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Mama May i Countdown to Christmas December 1

Mama May I Countdown to Christmas
A Holiday Bookworm’s guide to titles and projects in celebration of the Season

 Our house was all abuzz today with thoughts of festive times ahead. Every year (for three years) we have been doing a Christmas Countdown, Holiday Advent series beginning on the first day of December. We made these delightful fabric bags, and inside each bag I hide a Holiday-themed book and project. You see, this time of year is extremely, super duper, crazy busy for me as a toy maker (I feel kind of like Santa!) Because of my intense schedule I like to make sure I carve out time every day to celebrate the reason for the Season with my growing little ones. I love curling up with a book and reading to them….and I love being able to engage their minds, hearts, spirits, and play times in the merry festivities of this magical time of year.

I try to mix up the projects: crafts, gift-making, music and movement, sensory experience, pretend play, baking, science, writing, and gratitude.

If you are in the spirit and want to join us, I have provided a list of books we intend to read and some suggested activities. I wrote the ones we will be doing and also included some links to other ideas. Feel free to substitute your family’s favorite books or craft ideas to best suit your little ones’ interests. I wanted to make this an easy-peasy way for families to pick up a calendar and get inspiration for daily fun and memory-making in the spirit of the Season. Happy playing and exploring together! 

I will be posting our photos throughout the process but wanted to give you a heads-up on some of the December 1st activities. I would love for you to join us this year……my six-year-old, in particular, has been diligently choosing the books we are going to use this year. She has been planning, prepping, and organizing. I will post a calendar of our book picks now and update as we go along….hopefully ahead of schedule so you can get some inspiration. If you want to check out our Pinterest board I posted many of the projects we did last year….and many we will be doing again this year. Enjoy!

 Mama May i Christmas Countdown on PINTEREST

December 1st

Suggested Reading:
Curious George Christmas Countdown by Tish Rabe and H.A. Rey
Snowbear’s Christmas Countdown by Theresa Smythe
Merry Christmas Curious George by H.A. Rey

Suggested Movie: 
Curious George: A Christmas Monkey

Christmas Countdown Craft
I really love this FREE PRINTABLE by @TOMFO
FREE Santa Beard Printable

La classe della maestro Valentina
What a fun way to work on number sequence with just a piece of lined notebook paper and some stamps. I love that my little ones will get to practice their cutting skills every night, too!
Number sequence Countdown

This is a classic with a twist
Classic Link Countdown